Wedding Art 由2002年成立自今,已經走過了10個年頭,由最初的新丁到今時今日可以在婚禮業享有卓越的口啤和信譽,我們經歷過不少的風風雨雨,流過汗也流過淚,但當每一次收到客人的感謝和Referral時,我們知道再辛苦也是值得的。
在Wedding Art,我們是婚禮的藝術家,用心把創意和心意融入每一個婚禮,無論新人的消費是數千還是數萬,我們都用熱忱的心去和專業的態度為他們服務,在客人的預算之內提供最完美的設計和方案,我們的每一支針,每一朵花,每一塊布都是經過細密的構思和設計,努力為每一對新人打造他們夢想婚禮的禮堂。因為「尊主為大」是我們一直都秉持著 的理念。
It has been a 10-year journey since Wedding Art was founded in 2002. From a novice in bygone days to nowadays where we acquire remarkable reputation and high credibility in the wedding industry, we have gone through many trails and hardships. We have sweated, and we have cried. Nevertheless, getting the appreciation and referrals from the clients, we found it worthwhile even if we have to work more painstakingly.
In Wedding Art, we work as the artists in your wedding. And we are devoted to incorporating elements of creativity and dedication into each wedding. No matter it is a basic setting plan or a luxury decoration event, we also serve them enthusiastically and professionally so as to work out the most perfect plan and design within your budget. We make use of every strand of needle, every flower and every piece of cloth in the wedding with deliberate conception and design, sparing no endeavor to decorate the dream auditorium of wedding for you, for the reason that we hold resolutely to our belief, "to glorify the Lord". |